
Sweats & The City

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Elizabeth and Dale, collectively known as Sweats & The City, are your bi-coastal wellness besties who share the best fitness, beauty, and self-care recs on the internet! As blind roommates turned best friends, Elizabeth and Dale cultivated and combined their passion for boutique fitness back in 2016 to create Sweats & The City: an all encompassing blog featuring in-depth reviews, trusted recommendations and the truest tips on all things fitness, health and wellness. The mission of Sweats & The City is to empower women to live their healthiest, happiest lives through their curated recommendations, reviews, and tips. Through fostering this likeminded community, Elizabeth and Dale enable women to make informed choices, embrace self-care and confidently navigate their own personal journey towards holistic well-being.


roommates turned best friends


confidently navigating their journey towards holistic well-being